2:05 - 2:50pm [CET]
To end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030, it is critical to address HIV-related stigma and discrimination. In this session, the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) and IAS – the International AIDS Society – will share updates and findings from global initiatives to eliminate HIV-related stigma and discrimination. The session will start with sharing the first Global Report on the People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Stigma Index, with data from 25 countries which implemented the Stigma Index 2.0 between 2020 and 2023. This will be followed by an update from the Global Partnership for Action to Eliminate All Forms of HIV-related Stigma and Discrimination, highlighting how Stigma Index 2.0 findings must be addressed and what actions should be taken. The Global Partnership is a multi-stakeholder vehicle for action to mobilize all countries to reach the Political Declaration and Global AIDS Strategy targets on HIV-related stigma and discrimination. Finally, the Global Consensus Statement on reducing HIV-related stigma, the result of a two-phase Delphi process, will be presented.