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The IAS funds researchers, advocates and healthcare professionals to strengthen the response to HIV and build the leaders of tomorrow. Grant programmes contribute to personal and career development of change makers. They also drive research and advocacy strategies that inform policies and programmes.

Cure Advocacy Grant Programme

This programme, in partnership with AVAC, awards grants to selected advocacy organizations through the Advocacy-for-Cure Academy. It allows change makers to apply their learnings to their local context. Cure advocacy strategies are implemented at a local level to support HIV cure research, create translational tools and access to HIV cure information, and build advocacy networks.

Applications are now closed.

CIPHER Grant Programme

This programme awards early-stage investigators up to USD 140,000 over two years to address research gaps in paediatric and adolescent HIV in countries with limited resources for HIV research. It is designed to provide investigators with the experience they need to compete for larger funding.

Find out more | Applications are now open.

IPHASA Implementation Science Research Grant

IPHASA will award two grants worth USD 12,500 each for early-career African researchers to conduct implementation science projects that address implementation gaps in paediatric HIV prevention, care and/or treatment programmes in their countries. Grantees will be connected with an IPHASA mentor who will provide technical support throughout the research period. The grant includes funding to attend IPHASA 2024 to report on progress.

Find out more | Applications are now closed. 

IPHASA Peer Learning Visit Grant

This grant supports a learning visit of one African country team of three to five people to another country or site in Africa that has successfully implemented a strategy and/or programme of interest. The applying team should be able to indicate the gap in its programme and how the learning visit will help provide a learning experience to address the gap. To support translation of evidence into policy and practice, and in order to have the best practice scaled up, the teams will be encouraged to work with at least one ministry of health official from the applicant country responsible for PMTCT services, paediatric HIV testing services, paediatrics HIV care and treatment services and sexual and reproductive health and rights (including for example pre- and post-natal services). There are no restrictions on the number of applications that can be submitted per country. The award covers travel costs for a learning visit in 2024 with a budget up to USD 9,000. In addition, the recipient will be invited to attend the third edition of IPHASA (planned for 2024) to report on progress and results.

Find out more | Applications are now closed.

Vaccine Enterprise Grant

This grant, from the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise, supports the professional development of early- to mid-career HIV researchers in central, eastern, southern and western Africa. Participants enrol in a two-year research programme. The grant is designed to address knowledge gaps in HIV R&D and support global networking between early- to mid-career African researchers and internationally renowned scientists. It takes place in partnership between the home organization of the grantees and the IAS.

More information coming soon.

Youth Hub Seed Grant Programme

The IAS will support a new cohort of five Young Leaders with seed grants of USD 10,000 each to scale up HIV-related innovation projects that respond to a locally defined need. Each Young Leader must be affiliated with and logistically supported by an organization working in HIV and/or sexual and reproductive health and rights or related areas.

Applications are now closed.

The IAS promotes the use of non-stigmatizing, people-first language. The translations are all automated in the interest of making our content as widely accessible as possible. Regretfully, they may not always adhere to the people-first language of the original version.