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Meet the 2017 Healthcare Provider Champions

Stella Wanjiru Chege

Stella Wanjiru Chege

Belden Kamanda Magare

Belden Kamanda Magare


Belden Magare nominated Stella Chege for:

Providing clinical and nursing services to men who have sex with men, at Mamboleo Peer Empowerment Group (MPEG) in Thika, Kenya. “She offers stigma free services and respects clients' confidentiality. As a result of this, Stella has built good working and personal relationships with MSM. She sees resolving a client’s problem as her own personal obligation and so clients feel free and comfortable to be screened for STIs”, said Belden.

Stella Chege: I am #DoingTheRightThing because…

“I consider my clients as my brothers, therefore they should not be discriminated against or stigmatized when accessing health services. If I don't offer services to address their health issues, then STIs and HIV transmission will escalate even further”.

Lusia Ang

Lusia Ang

Aries Maulana Setyawan

Aries Maulana Setyawan


Aries Setyawan nominated Lusia Ang for:

Her continuous work and support in the Provincial Pharmacy in the Papua Province, Indonesia to ensure that ARV stock is continuously available for people living with HIV. Thanks to Lusia’s efforts, I have never experienced ARV stock out in Papua Province in 4 years. “Lusia encourages and works on ARV decentralization at the district level, minimizing ARV stock out in the hospitals and simplifying the distribution chain”, said Aries.

Lusia Ang: I am #DoingTheRightThing because…

“Key populations must have equal rights to access HIV services and ARVs like any other person. My team and I are ensuring that ARVs are available and accessible for PLHIV. Although, I do not think what I do is special, I just do what any other person should do”.

Neo Namesto Monnapula

Neo Namesto Monnapula

Chedza Mudongo

Chedza Mudongo


Chedza Mudongo nominated Neo Nametso Monnapula for:

Providing social work services to the sex worker community at the Nkaikela Youth Group in Gabarone, Botswana. “She visits us at our homes to find out how we are doing and if we are taking the treatment (ARVs) correctly. She checks our needs, refers us to appropriate services that Nkaikela Youth Group does not provide and makes sure that we follow through with the referral. She is trustworthy and we trust her completely with any information that we give to her. Neo does not discriminate against sex workers, she wants us to live dignified lives and live longer. Neo helps everyone and does not judge anyone, she accepts people as they are”, said Chedza.

Neo Nametso Monnapula: I am #DoingTheRightThing because…

“I think stigma free services in my country are important. Sex workers are human beings and they have the right to access health services. I am also passionate about working with women. I recognize them as mothers and sisters. To date, I have helped over 30 female sex workers and their children to get birth certificates and identity cards. Those who were HIV positive have been able to initiate treatment which they could not previously access without an identity card. I was touched and moved by a story told by one female sex worker in 2009. She shared how difficult it is to access services because of healthcare providers’ negative attitudes. She narrated how she can stay for a long time without getting treatment for STIs. I then realized that I needed to serve people and not my interests or beliefs and I hope that one day I will be able to encourage others to change their attitudes.”

The IAS promotes the use of non-stigmatizing, people-first language. The translations are all automated in the interest of making our content as widely accessible as possible. Regretfully, they may not always adhere to the people-first language of the original version.