Why putting people first in the HIV response makes sense

Why putting people first in the HIV response makes sense

Thu, 14 Mar 2024 - Fri, 15 Mar 2024

2:00am - 11:00am [CET]

Manila, the Philippines

IAS – the International AIDS Society – in partnership with LoveYourself are co-organizing a workshop, titled “Why putting people first in the HIV response makes sense”, in Manila on 14-15 March 2024. This workshop is a regional meeting following IAS 2023, the 12th IAS Conference on HIV Science, to provide access to and discuss the latest evidence-based science in the local context.

Speakers and participants will discuss:

  • The HIV response in the Philippines in 2024
  • Understanding the young: Improving HIV-related services for paediatrics and adolescents
  • Upscaling the options: Improving differentiated delivery of HIV prevention
  • Universalizing the message: Improving the way we communicate U=U and sexual pleasure

Through group work, participants will draft recommendations for stakeholders to develop and implement strategies and policies in the Filipino context on the themes covered in the programme. Participants will include health and social service providers, researchers, decision makers, government representatives and community players.

This workshop will be held in English.

Workshop programme

Participation by invitation only

For more information, please contact the IAS Educational Fund team: iasedu@iasociety.org 

The IAS promotes the use of non-stigmatizing, people-first language. The translations are all automated in the interest of making our content as widely accessible as possible. Regretfully, they may not always adhere to the people-first language of the original version.