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Jesse Giavina

Jesse Giavina

Title: Associate Officer, Resource Mobilization and Development

IAS – the International AIDS Society

Since October 2023, Jesse Giavina has been the Associate Resource Mobilization and Development Officer at the IAS. His role involves supporting fundraising efforts and nurturing partnerships with partners supporting IAS programmes and conferences. Prior to joining IAS, Jesse gained experience in resource mobilization through work with various NGOs and Geneva-based associations focused on development and social work, such as the Fondation Apprentis d’Auteuil International. He holds a Masters in Standardization, Social Regulation and Sustainable Development from the University of Geneva, along with a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Fundraising from the Geneva School of Higher Education.

The IAS promotes the use of non-stigmatizing, people-first language. The translations are all automated in the interest of making our content as widely accessible as possible. Regretfully, they may not always adhere to the people-first language of the original version.