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The HIV Research for Prevention Conference is the only global scientific conference focused exclusively on the challenging and fast-growing field of HIV prevention research. This conference fosters interdisciplinary knowledge exchange on HIV vaccines, microbicides, PrEP, treatment as prevention and biomedical interventions, as well as their social and behavioural implications.
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Language matters
At the IAS, we actively use language that puts people first. This is because words have power: they bestow or remove dignity, build or break stigma, and divide or unite the HIV response. Through the words we choose to use at the IAS, we acknowledge that a person is so much more than a condition; we promote inclusivity, dialogue and equality. Find out more here.
HIVR4P is the only global scientific conference exclusively dedicated to the rapidly evolving field of HIV prevention research. It will bring together the global scientific community to address the biggest challenges and opportunities in HIV prevention.