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Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise steering committees

Enterprise Advisory Group

The Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise Advisory Group (EAG) was established in 2019. It provides strategic and scientific advice on Enterprise activities that best meet the needs of the HIV vaccine research and development field and enable partnerships to deliver on the objectives of the Enterprise.

The EAG is made up of eight to 12 members with deep knowledge of, and strong connections across, the HIV vaccine field. The EAG reflects both gender and geographic diversity and includes civil society and community representatives.

Technical Working Group

The Technical Working Group (TWG) was established in February 2023. It aids the Enterprise in delivering on its work plan of activities by providing technical guidance and facilitating partnerships for the delivery of activities.

The TWG does this by:

  • Advising the Enterprise team on the design of specific activities to deliver against the thematic work plan priorities identified by the Enterprise Advisory Group
  • Supporting the identification of suitable collaborators in the delivery of these activities
  • Proposing thematic priorities for consideration in upcoming work plans

Meet the members:

Christopher Barnes
Christopher Barnes

Christopher Barnes

Stanford University
United States
Dale Hu
Dale Hu

Dale Hu

National Institutes of Health
United States
Elise Landais
Elise Landais

Elise Landais

IAVI Neutralizing Antibody Center
United States
Eunice Nduati
Eunice Nduati

Eunice Nduati

KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme
Kundai Chinyenze
Kundai Chinyenze

Kundai Chinyenze

International AIDS Vaccine Initiative
Marit van Gils
Marit van Gils

Marit van Gils

Amsterdam University Medical Center
Luis Sagaon Teyssier
Luis Sagaon Teyssier

Luis Sagaon Teyssier

Research Institute for Development
Sheila Nina Balinda
Sheila Nina Balinda

Sheila Nina Balinda

MRC/UVRI & LSHTM Uganda Research Unit

EU Vaccine Reference Group

The EU Vaccine Reference group was established in October 2022. It is made up of around 20 scientists from France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden and other countries.

AIM: Support the development of an HIV vaccine by identifying and addressing barriers to effective R&D at the European level and influence priority settings for the next EU research programme and funding opportunities.

Meet the co-chairs:

Yves Lévy
Yves Lévy

Yves Lévy

French National Institute for Health and Medical Research
Gabriella Scarlatti
Gabriella Scarlatti

Gabriella Scarlatti

San Raffaele Scientific Institute
Roger Le Grand
Roger Le Grand

Roger Le Grand

Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives

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